
How to Join

Be part of something greater

collage of midshipmen


Pathways to NROTC

The application can be found at:

Midshipmen standing in formation

Contact the JU NROTC Recruiting Officer when you are ready to schedule your officer interview.

(904) 256-7427


Note: Note: In the "College Preferences and Current Studies" section, list Jacksonville University as your first choice to increase your chances of being assigned to the JU NROTC Unit.

Jacksonville University's NROTC Preparatory Program (NPP) offers high school seniors the chance to complete a year of academic and military training, leading to a potential four-year NROTC scholarship.

The NPP Scholarship is completed through JU NROTC

NPP Application

Apply for the JU NROTC College Program if:

  • You missed the deadline for the National NROTC Scholarship, or
  • You did not apply for the National NROTC Scholarship, or
  • You are already a student at JU or UNF.

STA-21 and MECEP

Jacksonville University NROTC hosts STA-21 Officer Candidates and Marines from the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. 

The application process for both programs are separate from the JU NROTC Unit and are found here:

Navy STA-21 Program and Application

Marine Corps MECEP Program and Application

Admission to Jacksonville University

This process is separate from the NROTC scholarship application.

Students should contact the admissions office at Jacksonville University for further information.

An online application for admission is available here, or you can contact the Office of Admissions for an application. Questions about the admission's process should be directed to the Office of Admissions.

Jacksonville University
Office of Admissions
2800 University Boulevard North
Jacksonville, Florida 32211-3394
(800) 225-2027 Ext. 7000 

Crosstown - University of North Florida

Students at the University of North Florida have the opportunity to join the JU NROTC Unit. They pursue their academic degrees at UNF while attending Jacksonville University for their naval science classes, physical training (PT), and drill sessions. This arrangement allows students to focus on their chosen academic path at UNF while simultaneously receiving the specialized military training and leadership development provided by the NROTC program at JU. The students commute between the two campuses to participate in weekly PT sessions, drills, and naval science coursework. 

To learn more, click here:


Medical Requirements

Scholarship applicants are required to complete a DODMERB physical exam. Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB) schedules and reviews all physical examinations for service academies and Navy ROTC candidates; candidates applying for more than one military academy or Navy ROTC scholarship program require only one physical examination.

Applicants will be notified by DODMERB of any additional requirements for medical history consultations or diagnostic tests.

If DODMERB determines a disqualifying condition exists, your package will be forwarded to the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) for further review and consideration for a medical waiver of the physical standards.

A list of disqualifying medical conditions can be found in the DoDI 6130.03, which can be found on the Department of Defense Issuances website: DoD Instruction 6130.03, Volume 1, "Medical Standards for Military Service: Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction," May 6, 2018; Incorporating Change 5 on May 28, 2024

Waivers may be granted for conditions which are at low risk for progression and are unlikely to interfere with the completion of training requirements and/or serve in a world-wide deployable capacity.

Major medical considerations are summarized in Appendix A.  This is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all disqualifying conditions; it is a brief and general summary for your convenience.

If you have not been notified that you are medically qualified before your Fall tuition is due, then you must be prepared to pay tuition by other means until you have been found medically qualified or been notified that you have received a waiver.